
Bosnia Shivers as Ghost of Nationalism Returns

Bosnia shivers as the ghost of nationalism returns. On 9 January a parade in Banja Luka, the de facto Serb capital, raised the Bosnia problems and repeat the history 

The police of parliament marched through the streets to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the declaration of Bosnian Serb independence in 1992, as Yugoslavia was still in problem Bosnia was in a state of breaking all-out war. 

Milorad Dodik who was presiding over the parade that day was welcomed by the Americans after the war as a “breath of fresh air”, but the Serb strongman brought the trouble again. The history repeated itself.

The Dayton agreement divided the country into two entities, with a layer of national institutions, including a joint presidency.

The fighting stopped and with some adjustments, the border between was made. The front line was formed. The Serb entity is called Republika Srpska. The other, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is run by Bosniak Muslims and Croats.

The relationship between the two entities was never good. But the matter became hot in last July 2021. when the outgoing High Representative, Valentin Inzko,  banned the denial of genocide.

Bosnians were not happy about how a foreigner was interfering in their matter. This outraged the Bosnian Serb leader. He ramped up separatist rhetoric and stopped co-operating with national institutions, of which he is part as the Serb member of the presidential troika.

According to some reports “The worst single atrocity happened in Srebrenica in the east, where Bosnian Serb soldiers killed more than 8,000 Bosniak Muslim men and boys over a few days in July 1995. Bosnian Serb wartime leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are both serving life sentences for genocide and crimes against humanity.”

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However, the was ended in 1995 and the conflict between the two parties was resolved.

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