
Record of Ragnarok Volume 2: Release Date and Read Manga Online

Record of Ragnarok Volume 2 will be released on April 19, 2022. Which is a truly long time to stay. And also on this website, there is further information about Manga.

like what is its product details, an overview of Record of Ragnarok Volume 2 where will it be released, where can you read it online, what’s the pricing of the book.

Record of Ragnarok, Vol. 2: Release Date and Read Manga Online

Record of Ragnarok Volume 2: Overview

Humanity’s topmost icons struggle with the gods for the survival of the mortal race!

Once each golden age, the gods bring together to determine if humanity is ideal of its persevered reality or if it must be destroyed! When the decision is destruction, the very last struggle among the gods and mortal icons will determine the survival or decimation of the mortal race — a struggle called Ragnarok!

The unique expectation of a clean first win for the gods withinside the Valhalla Arena is shattered because the mortal hero Lü Bu (with a few assists from Brunhilde at the sly) proves to be a fit for the robust Thor. But can Lü Bu get up to the thunder god’s maximum critical attack? With the occasion going into its trade round, a shocking fighter for the gods makes a decision to step into the ring. His mortal opponent? None apart from the primary guy himself — Adam!

Record of Ragnarok Volume 2: Storyline

Record of Ragnarok, Vol. 2: Release Date and Read Manga Online


The story begins when the gods call a conference to decide whether to let humanity live or die, and settle on destroying humanity. But a lone valkyrie puts forward a suggestion to let the gods and humanity fight one last battle, as the last expedient for humanity’s continued survival. 13 gods will fight against 13 mortal titleholders in one-on-one battles to decide whether humanity lives or dies.

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Record of Ragnarok Volume 2: Release Date

Record of Ragnarok, Vol. 2 will be released on April 19, 2022. Both in Paperback form and also in Digital form. the price of the paperback on Amazon is$11.69 and on Barnes & Nobles is$12.99. And the digital form of the book price is$8.99 on Google Play, iBooks, Kindle, and Nook. Links to the following websites will be given below.


  1. Amazon.
  2. Flipkart.
  3. Barnes&Nobles.


  1. Google Play
  2. iBooks
  3. Kindle
  4. Nook

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