
PM Johnson in the Spotlight: Investigation After Breaking Lockdown Protocols

UK PM Johnson faces investigation after allegations of breaking lockdown protocols at his Downing Street Office surface. This could hinge on his political position in the near future.

PM Johnson: Allegations of Breaking Lockdown Protocols

PM Boris Johnson emerges in the spotlight after allegations imposed of him and staff partying in the heart of the British Government Office. After the internal inquiry, the statement could be published on Wednesday stating the breath of protocols that they themselves imposed for the protection against coronavirus pandemic.

The report into the lockdown-breaching parties at his offices criticised “failures of leadership and judgment” at the heart of the British government. On Monday, the document was submitted to Downing Street by senior civil servant Sue Gray, who investigated a series of revelations about boozy get-togethers held while the government had the policy of public being socially dstanced.

The reports are a blow to the PM, as he previously stated that the protocols were followed at all times. Gray’s other finding on events in 2020 and 2021 have been withheld at the request of the police, who have launched a criminal investigation into the most serious alleged breaches of coronavirus rules.

pm johnson in the spotlight: investigation after breaking lockdown protocols

PM Johnson Apologies After Allegations

Boris Johnson has apologised after a report found alcohol-fuelled parties at his offices and residence while COVID-19 lockdown rules were in force and mandatory. On Monday afternoon, while he attended the parliament, following the report publication, he apologised and assured to make changes at his office.

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“I want to say sorry. I get it and I will fix it,” he said. “I’m sorry for the things that we simply didn’t get right and also sorry for the way this matter has been handled,” he added further.

pm johnson in the spotlight: investigation after breaking lockdown protocols

Moreover, Keir Starmer, leader of the main opposition Labour Party, accused him of getting everyone under the bus but himself. He called upon him to resign. “There can be no doubt that the prime minister himself is now subject to criminal investigation,” He told the parliament.

Public Outburst

After the spread of the breached rules by PM and his staff, and following the restrictions imposed to lessen the spread of coronavirus, the public has been angered, leading some lawmakers to ask upon the PM’s resignation. Overall, the party has been enraged and triggered enough to fight among themselves.

But Johnson strictly denied, saying he didn’t break any sort of protocols and has no intention to resign.

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