
Beastars Chapter 197: Release Date and Read Manga Online

The release date of Beastars Chapter 197 is not yet confirmed, but the writers have assured that it will be coming soon. So stay excited fans!!

Beastars is a Japanese manga series written by Paru Itagaki. It was first serialized in September, 2016.  The manga is also released in English in North America.


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Beastars Chapter 197: Highlights 

In a modern and civilized world where only anthropomorphic animals live there is a divide between herbivores and carnivores animals.

Out of nowhere, Tem who is an alpaca is brutally murdered one day. This created distrust among herbivores and carnivores animals.

Beastars chapter 197 : release date and read manga online

Beastars Chapter 197: Release date 

The release date of Beastars Chapter 197 is not yet confirmed, but the writers have assured that it will be coming soon. So stay excited fans!!

Beastars Chapter 197: spoilers

According to some sources, this might be the last chapter of this manga. So yeah fans might get the crux of the series here.

Where can you read manga online?

If you are interested in fictional storytelling then reading manga is a must. Though you can read manga on their official website there are also many other online platforms and websites like webtoons.com,  mangaonlineteam.com.

Beastars chapter 197 : release date and read manga online

Beastars Chapter 197: Major characters


Legoshi is  a 17-year-old, introverted gray wolf with the gentle, contemplative heart of a monk. He is polite but isn’t afraid to step in as a mediator or use his size — or claws and teeth — to his advantage.

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He has a tall stature and delicate features belie his absolute control over every aspect of himself, and therefore, every aspect and goings-on within the club.


He is a dwarf white rabbit and heads up Cherryton’s Garden Club, ans is its only member. Unlike Legoshi, Haru’s relationships are often superficial by choice.

The Alpaca

The alpaca known as Tem is the catalyst that launches the murder-mystery aspect of Beastars. He was brutally killed in the opening act by an aggressor he appears to know.

Stay tuned on StandfordsArt Review for more content.

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