
Game Of Thrones:10 Strongest Dragons In The Book, Ranked

Game of Thrones has straddled the line between realism and fantasy since it first aired on HBO. Although GOT contains many supernatural elements.

They have always been overshadowed by the more character-driven storylines found in other fantasy shows such as The Witcher Where The Wheel of Time.

However, in the larger context of the story, both in the series and in the books, these supernatural elements, as well as the dragons, play an important role. The first Targaryens conquered Westeros on the backs of dragons, and they, like the new series, made significant contributions to its history. Dragon House is about to grow.

1. Caraxes was Daemon Targaryen’s powerful mount.

During the Targaryen civil war, the rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen rode the great dragon Caraxes. Caraxes, on the other hand, had already seen battle in wars against Dorne and Daemon’s conquest of the Stepstones.Game of Thrones Caraxes, with its bright red scales, was as fierce and formidable in battle as its rider. Both the dragon and the rider met their deaths at Harrenhal when they faced off against Aemond Targaryen and his dragon Vhagar.

The two battled in the skies, sending both dragons tumbling to the ground and tearing each other apart as they died. Caraxes died on the shores of the God’s Eye, and its rider is presumed to have died there as well, though Daemon’s body was never found.

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2. Meraxes died during the Targaryen conquest of Dorne.

Queen Rhaenys, Aegon the Conqueror’s sister and wife, rode one of the three Targaryen dragons, called Meraxes, to conquer Westeros. Rhaenys, the eldest daughter of the Targaryens, was said to love flying the most of her siblings and was frequently found on the silver-scaled back of her dragon.

Game of Thrones

In the Battle of the Field of Fire, which took place during Robert’s Rebellion, the Targaryen dragons, led by Meraxes and her rider, helped to annihilate the Reach army. Meraxes, who later died in Dorne when a ballista bolt struck her in the eye, and the Queen died when the dragon fell.

3. Quicksilver shone brightly beneath God’s gaze.

Quicksilver, a young dragon whose fiery breath was pale white, was one of the first dragons born after Aegon Targaryen and his sisters’ conquest of Westeros. It was originally the mount of Aenys Targaryen, King’s Landing’s second Targaryen, and was later ridden by his son, Aegon.

Game of Thrones

Aegon’s uncle, Maegor, usurped the throne. The two engaged in battle above the ruins of Harrenhal’s castle. Balerion was no match for the inexperienced Quicksilver. Balerion ripped off the dragon’s wings and burned him from the sky, killing both the dragon and the rider.

4. Vermithor was the most powerful of the Second Generation.

Quicksilver, a young dragon whose fiery breath was pale white, was one of the first dragons born after Aegon Targaryen and his sisters’ conquest of Westeros. It was the amount that was originally owned by Aenys Targaryen, the second Targaryen to rule in King’s Landing, and was later ridden by his son, Aegon.

Game of Thrones

Maegor, Aegon’s uncle, who was both idealistic and ambitious, took the throne in Aegon’s stead. The two engaged in battle above the ruins of Harrenhal’s castle. Balerion was no match for the inexperienced Quicksilver. Balerion tore his wings and burned him from the sky, killing both the dragon and the knight.

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5. Game of Thrones’s Vhagar grew to be almost as big as Black Dread.

Vhagar, the dragon of Aegon the Conqueror’s sister Queen Visenya, has one of the most illustrious histories of any Targaryen dragon. It not only assisted in the conquest of Westeros, but it also fought in dozens of other battles.

Game of Thrones

Apart from Visenya, Prince Aemond One-Eye was the most famous of Vhagar’s riders, having fought atop the great beast during the Dance of Dragons. Vhagar was the largest and fiercest of all living dragons at the time, and the Black Dread had long since died. Vhagar died in the Battle Above the God’s Eye, fighting Prince Daemon’s dragon, Caraxes, in which both dragons and their riders were killed.

6. The Night King Resurrected Viserion from the Dead

While Viserion is smaller than Drogon in A Song Of Ice And Fire, he grows to be as fierce and deadly as his siblings in Game Of Thrones. However, while Daenarys is attempting to rescue Jon Snow and the others who have been trapped by the Wights beyond the Wall, the Night King hurls an ice spear. The ice slew the dragon, causing it to crash through the ice and sink to the lake’s bottom.

Game of Thrones

Viserion is later hauled to the shore and resurrected by dark magic, destroying the wall with its blue Dragonfire. Viserion also fights alongside Rhaegal in the Battle of Winterfell, where it perishes alongside the Night King and his army.

7. Drogon is said to be the reincarnation of Balerion.

Drogons were thought to be extinct for over a century until Daenarys Targaryen emerged from her husband Khal Drogo’s funeral pyre with three living dragons. These three dragons, named Viserion, Drogon, and Rhaegal, would aid the future Queen in her conquest of Essos.

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Game of Thrones

Drogon was thought to be the reincarnation of Balerion, the most powerful of the three dragons. Though not nearly as old or as large as the dragons of old, if the rumors are true, Drogon may go on to become the greatest since the Black Dread flew the skies.

8. Game of Thrones’s Balerion Was The Most Powerful Targaryen Dragon.

House Targaryen’s ancestors fled to Westeros with five dragons before the Doom of Valyria. Only one of those five survived: Balerion, later known as the Black Dread. Balerion’s size was so great that his shadow would cover entire towns, as claimed by Aegon the Conqueror during his swift and decisive conquest of Westeros.

Game of Thrones

The Black Dread was only known to have killed one other dragon during its lifetime. He and his rider Maegor the Cruel killed Aegon and Quicksilver in the Battle Beneath the God’s Eye. Later in life, King Viserys I was his rider, and Balerion is the only Targaryen dragon known to have died of old age. Its skull has been kept in the Red Keep since its death.

9. Sunfyre Was the most magnificent dragon.

Sunfyre will undoubtedly play an important role in House Of The Dragon as the mount of Aegon II, one of the two claimants to the Iron Throne during the Dance of Dragons.

Game of Thrones

Sunfyre was regarded as the most beautiful of all dragons, with bright and gleaming golden scales. Sunfyre was also a formidable fighter in battle, taking part in several battles throughout the civil war. The toll of these battles, however, left the proud creature wounded and broken, and Sunfyre died of its wounds after Aegon’s victory.

10. Game of Thrones’s Cannibal Was Wild And Ate His Kind

The Cannibal, the oldest and largest of Dragonstone’s wild dragons, was known for devouring its kind – whether eggs, hatchlings, or even grown dragons. The Cannibal lived during the Dragon Dance.

Game of Thrones

When the call went out for anyone brave enough to tame a dragon, no one dared to claim The Cannibal as their own. The wild dragon vanished after the war, much to the relief of those who had been terrified of the untamed beast.

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