
Biological E’s Corbevax Seeking DCGI Approval for Phase 3 Trail as Booster Dose

The global pandemic COVID-19 hits the world from the last of 2019 and the start of 2020. Though a whole year had passed, the world is still not completely get out of it. Several countries like the USA, Russia, India, and many other countries have already developed some vaccines to fight against it.

If we only talk about our country India, then we find India already developed two vaccines Covaxin and Covishield. And now another company named Biological E is developing a booster dose for those who already take their double dose of Covaxin and Covishield. This is basically a booster dose named Corbevax, that can produce antibodies to increase our immunity system. So, if you want to know more about this booster dose then you should definitely go through this article till the end.

Biological E's Corbevax Seeking DCGI Approval for Phase 3 Trail as Booster Dose

About the Corbevax Booster Dose?

So, basically, Corbevax is a booster dose that is developed by Biological E. The manufacturing company is already completed its second phase of the trial and now get approval from DCGI(Drugs Controller General of India) to start its third phase of the trial.

As of now, it’s come to know that the company had trail their booster dose in between the age of 18 to 80. But the booster dose is only for that those who already take their double dose of vaccine either Covaxin or Covishield. Besides the adults, DCGI also approved for 2/3 trails for the children aged between 5 to 18 years. But now, a question may arise in your mind that why the booster bose? Or is it necessary to take the booster dose? To get these answers to your questions you need to read the next paragraph where we are discussing it.

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Biological E's Corbevax Seeking DCGI Approval for Phase 3 Trail as Booster Dose

What is the Necessary of This Booster Dose?

So, if we talk about the booster dose then we find it’s not a very new concept. The Hyderabad-based company Biological E talked about this matter and said this is not new thinking. As of now we already see many of the countries around the world have already begun to manufacture their own booster dose for their citizens. Besides this, many other countries already initiate to development of a booster dose for the upcoming days to fight against Covid 19.

All the vaccines that are still available in the world still do not provide you a hundred percent protection against the COVID-19. We see most of the vaccines provide you 80-90% or more than it but no one still provides 100% protection. So, for this different biotech companies is started to develop a booster dose that can give you next-level protection. And that’s why the Hyderabad-based company Biological E is started to develop this. And the best part is already they have completed two-phase of trail and seeking DCGI approval for the third phase.

Biological E's Corbevax Seeking DCGI Approval for Phase 3 Trail as Booster Dose

How does Corbevax Booster Dose work in Human Body?

In simple words, we can say that Corbevax basically helps in your immunity system. When you take the booster dose after two doses of vaccine then it will increase the antibodies in your immune system and that ultimately protect you against the infection of COVID-19.

In a scientific way, we can say, the technology of protein-antigen binding with the ACE-2 (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2) receptor on the cell membrane and can make sure that no virus can enter to affect our body. Basically, it’s the main technology that’s used to protect us and increase the immunity to fight against it.

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Biological E's Corbevax Seeking DCGI Approval for Phase 3 Trail as Booster Dose

How Government and the Officials are Monitoring it?

This is very important to know how the Indian Government and the respective officials work on this matter. Dr. VK Paul, a NITI Aayog member said that the data and reports regarding the booster dose are very very emerging. The authority always takes special care of this matter and they are all monitoring the whole process carefully throughout its journey.

Besides this, in the month of June, The Union Health Ministry announced that Biological E will supply a total of 30 crores dose of Corbevax within December 2021 for the use of citizens.

So, it’s very interesting to see what results come out from the last phase of clinical trials and how soon it will use as a booster dose for the citizens.

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