
Pokemon 2019 Episode 76: Release Date, Plot, and Watch Online

If you are a fan of “Pokemon 2019” then after watching episode 75, now you are eagerly waiting for episode 76. So, in today’s article basically, we gonna talk about the upcoming episode and all relate to this.

From the very beginning, we saw that Pokemon 2019 is running with great success. Especially the viewers are always excited for a new episode. Besides this, a unique storyline makes it very special among the viewers. But stay these all beside, and let’s talk about the episode 76 release date and preview. But before that let’s discuss a brief intro of this series. So, if you are a new one then the next paragraph is very much informative for you.

About the Pokemon series

This pokemon series is basically a joint creation of the Japanese pokemon series and global pokemon franchise. The series is originally started in November 2017 and from there it’s continuing with a huge success.

But at first, the series was a podcast on TV station 7, and thereafter the global OTT platform Netflix acquired the series, and from June 2020 Netflix officially launches the series globally. from may 2020 we see a very brand new episode every week which is really appreciable.

So, now let’s talk about the plot of the upcoming episode.

Preview of Episode 76

Here basically we gonna talk about the preview of episode 76. But if you don’t want a spoiler then you can skip this paragraph. This episode is also a continuous form of the previous one. Here we may see action in Sinnoh Region as the boys come in that place. At that moment we see Evee met with the Hikari and then they both are going to a forest to encountered Cresselia.

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Moreover here may also see one or two new legendary pokemon in this episode. So, in short, the upcoming episode gonna be very much interesting and exciting.

Release Date of Episode 76

Episode 76 of Pokemon 2019 will officially release on 6th August 2021 at 6:55 pm as per the JST timezone.

How to Watch Online?

You can watch the whole episode on Netflix. Besides this, you can also watch it on the official website of pokemon.


That’s all for today. Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for the latest updates.

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