
Hackers Breached Several MPs’ Email Accounts, Poland Says

As much as our society starts to depend on the internet, the number of hackers will obviously increase day by day. From the last 7-8 years, the number of hacking and cyber attacks hugely increased. And now not only common people but also the multi-national organizations, ministers, and government officials also face the same thing.

Recently news comes from Poland, that they face a huge cyber-attack which is one of the biggest attacks in the last few years. So, if wanna know more about this incident then definitely go through this article entirely. After reading the whole one I hope you understand all things that happen there.

Hackers Breached Several MPs' Email Accounts, Poland Says

About the cyber-attack on Poland

Recently the counter-intelligence agency of Poland confirmed that dozens of their permanent member’s email id were hacked by a hacker or a group of hackers. The hackers hacked the private email address of the major government officers which they are basically used to exchange and share very confidential and sensitive information.

In fact, the Polish government said that this is one of the biggest cyber-attack in recent years where approximately more than 100 email account was sacrificed.

But now the question comes who is responsible for this cyber attack.

Hackers Breached Several MPs' Email Accounts, Poland Says

Who is responsible for this attack?

So, still, now there is not much rock-solid evidence from that polish government conclude the original group of hackers behind this. But the Polish officials said that they got some evidence that indicates the connection between the hackers and the Russian Secret Services. But the Russian Government and Kremlin denied this cyber attack.

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The Poland officials said, the hackers known as UNC1151, where the name of this mission where they hacked the email of government officials and politicians was Ghostwriter.

After that incident, the Polish government now specially trained their officers on how to use these platforms safely and securely to stop this kind of cyber threat.

That’s all for today. Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for latest updates.

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