
One Punch Man Chapter 149: Release date and Read Manga Online

Chapter 148 disclosed a shocking revelation of ” GAROU “had evolved into a destructive monster which is insane, we could see an intense fight between him and his former master also one of the Powerful heroes, Bang.

Where can You read Chapter 149 

fans have read the previous chapter filled with a conspicuous collection of unexpected twists, so fans consumed by desire to what will happen in next but unfortunately you must wait till the release of next chapter in July. You can read every latest chapter on SHONEN JUMP App, SHONEN JUMP official website, VIZ Media and On MANGAPLUS.


Fans had perceived super intense fight between GAROU and his former master and S-class hero, BANG probably one of best fights. On the flip side FURCHER UGLY going with full body melting punch against the Atomic Samurai, A-Class Hero and out of nowhere Leader of Swordsmen with other samurai appear to save them from UGLY.

FURCHER punched a fatal hit on Leader Swordsmen and the other samurai, indeed we expect no less from Ugly. Leader of Swordsmen is moribund and will not make anymore ,so in this regard he transfers  “The Sun Blade” a blade which made on Ancient Continent and it had great history of passing it down to council of Swordsmen who are capable enough to have it.

Not just leaving the Sun Blade to Atomic but also leader appoints Atomic samurai as successor to him. Atomic samurai’s other task is that to find The Moon Blade as well , saying all these finally Leader departs from the world.

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Ugly has been eating the Black asses which triggered them, so they warned ugly by saying “You just crossed the line like that” and they transform by merging into one huge beast leading UGLY into a conundrum before it could understand what is happening. The new form of black sperm is “golden sperm” which born after the blast. Golden sperm is extremely powerful that even the FURCHER’s vomit didn’t affect him and he finishes FURTHER effortlessly.


We have seen the episodes are being released with a little delay because of the prevalent pandemic surge. So in this case the upcoming episode is going to be released in the second week or in third week of July . Fans can expect the spoilers prior to its release so stay informed with Stanford Arts Review.

For further updates stay with Standford Arts Review.

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