
Digimon Adventure Episode 54: Release Date, Story and Watch Online

The excursion of the Chosen Ones will end soon since the tremendous war in Digital World has achieved to a stop. Digimon Adventure begins again with the Chosen Ones touring through the Digital World in the investigation of the validity behind eight heights.

Directed by the eight crests, Taichi and the remainder of the committee started up with the modern Digimon Adventure.

The teenagers are scanning for strength to experience the Great Catastrophe. Later after the debate, Joe and the group chair to enjoy the hot waters, but they discover that the hot springs are forgetting.


Patamon surprises if they have completed at the untrue niche. Joe surprises why the hot streams had disappeared. Patamon instructed Hikari to head back inside Komondomon.

The committee heard a mouthpiece announcing, ”Let the hot streams bloom! let the spread begin, who is the gentleman behind the hot sporing’s steam, and that would be the continent’s maximum stylish Digimon.”

The guy inaugurates himself to be Kabukimon, and the Chosen Ones inquires him about the hot springs. Kabukimon answers back that they have all dried out, and they can pursue him to appreciate the one within the estate where his Lord resides.

Digimon Adventure Episode 54 Release Date

Digimon Adventure Episode 54 release duration is 27 June 2021, at 9:00 AM JST. You can attend Digimon Adventure on Crunchyroll and AnimeLab.

Kabukimon demonstrates that they are the ones who give rid of all the streams around. Joe understands that Kabukimon and the villain union of Frogimon are the ones who dried out everything.

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Lord Tonosamgekomon smiles at Joe, who announced they did cruel stuff.

Kabukimon comments that they can announce what they need, but his Lord’s judgment will never be bad.

Patamon inquires why Kabukimonleadsd them here. Kabukimon moves out of the path, and Lord Tonosamgekomon spans his tongue to whip the Chosen Ones. What awaits you in Digimon Adventure Episode 54?

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