
Windows 11 May Be Available as a Free Upgrade for Windows 7, Windows 8.1 Users

Are you such a kind laptop or desktop user who is not still using windows 10, then here we come with good news for you? The latest announcement comes from Microsoft that they will be going to provide a free upgrade of windows 11 for windows 7 and windows 8.1 users.

In today’s article, we gonna discuss this matter. So, if you interested to know more about it then you should go through this article entirely. I hope after reading the whole one you can easily understand that what you have to do basically for getting this free upgrade.

About Windows 11 free upgrade for Windows 7 and 8.1 users

Windows 11, which is the upcoming windows, now all set to launch on June 24. And now the officials of Microsoft announced they provide free upgrade to windows 11 not only the users of Windows 10 but also windows 7 and windows 8.1 users.

It’s quite obvious that they provide a free up-gradation facility to the latest windows users but the decision of providing free up-gradation of windows 7, and 8.1 users is really unpredictable. Basically, the report says, the company wants to involve most of the users in the latest windows version. Still, now the windows 10 capture almost 80 percent market share. Besides, Windows 7 is also a very much used platform that captures almost 15.52 percent of the share, and Windows 8.1 holds almost 3.5 percent market share.

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So, most probably looking at the users of these two versions the company decides to provide a free upgrade.

Is the upgrade also free for windows 8 users?

Still, now it’s not confirmed that windows 8 users get free upgradation or not in the future. But as of now, there is no such official confirmation. This may occur because the users of Windows 8 are really very few nowadays. But maybe in the future, they decide to free for windows 8 users too.

That’s all for today. Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for the latest updates.

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