
Why did XQC Banned From GTA VRP Server?

Felix Lengyel is well known as Xqc, a popular French-Canadian twitch streamer. Of having 8 million followers who won the overwatch world cup in 2017 still, he’s been frequently subjected to ban on various platforms of gaming. The first suspension dates back to November 17, 2017, for the misuse of the reporting system.

Reasons behind GTA VRP ban

Xqc has been entertaining us with his dramatic actions and his amazing content. With his notorious behavior during the streams, he’s not exceptional from the ban. The former allegations for suspension were, crashing other players with his car, which is against the GRAND THEFT AUTO ROLE PLAY SERVER pixel 3.0 rules, the second allegation due to glitch illegally shoot the police officer in the police station .

The standard reason for the third suspension because too much negativity during the stream and influencing streamers onto others on “chat hop”, motivating followers to hostile behavior towards the other steamers.

Although the ban is not the first time there are evident previous records of player account suspensions about 4 times, overwatch league suspension and also twitch bans and the latest ban from GRAND THEFT AUTO ROLE PLAY SERVER. He also has a track record of twitch streams in 2020 with his highest record of 147.8 million.

Is ban permanent 

Not long ago his comeback in GTA V RP on the April 12 has been banned for the fourth time on April 18 for 30 days which is his longest on the server, as he dropped a gun while he’s dead already and for an abusive vehicle scuff which is against the server rules. He has finally responded through various social media platforms saying possible bias against him and would not possibly return soon.

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As his final statement, he said has no interest in joining the server after the 30 days ban. He stated” I feel good because I made my case that there’s something against me, so I’m happy about it “, revealing that bias towards him, this time its not his fault and repetitive ban due to external factors.

In spite of the actions his followers are still expecting him to make his comeback of joining the server to entertain them, now Xqc needs to be extra cautious of his actions.

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