
What is Qualified Immunity? Qualified Immunity Explained and Everything Wrong With It

Qualified immunity, now one of the most common words that you may hear from the last few years, especially after the George Floyd case. But it’s noticed that the knowledge of this word “Qualified Immunity” isn’t clear to most people. Mainly the non-political guys and the common people don’t have a proper concept regarding this act.

Qualified Immunity Explained and Everything

So, for this here we come with this article where we gonna talk about this act, how and when it’s started, and the cons of this act. So, if you interested to know more about this one then go through this article till the end. After reading the whole one I hope you can get a brief knowledge about it.

Qualified Immunity Explained

What is Qualified Immunity?

Qualified Immunity is basically nothing but an act or judicially created doctrine that is used to protect a government employee or official from personal liability and violations that he may face because of his work. This is mainly working as a shield for the officer which saves them from public violations and harassment.

Now, let’s discuss the history behind this act and when it started.

Qualified Immunity Explained

When Qualified Immunity created?

In the year 1871, the civil rights act first coined this act where Congress gave the Americans a right to sue public officials to violet against their personal rights. Later, in the future, there are lots of change which gets benefits to the government officials but there are lots of wrong use that we see here.

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Qualified Immunity Explained

The problem of Qualified Immunity?

There are basically a few problems that are proved wrong in this act. The main problem of this act is: Here the victim who is harassed by the government official can lodge a complaint against him in court but because of this act the official may get an extra advantage and he may free easily. So, if really that officer is guilty then sometimes he can easily escape from that situation with the help of this act. So, this is basically a major problem of this act.

That’s it for today. Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for the latest updates.

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