
Joe Biden is MENTALLY ILL, Claims Secret Report: Health Issues Explained

A new report suggests that the President of the US, Joe Biden, has been struggling with the mental health. The secret report also claims that he has been mentally ill for a long time and people can notice during his public appearance. There has been multiple debates since Biden’s term commenced in the office that major news media ignored Biden’s physical and mental health.

Earlier, when the president was climbing up on the Air Force One, he collapsed on the steps even though his hands was on the rails. He literally tripped on the steps while climbing the stairs not once, but twice. However, he couldn’t hold himself and the 78-year-old fell into his knees. President Biden didn’t require any medical help, and he managed to reach the airplane’s cabin.

This isn’t the first instance where Biden’s health was concerning. There are multiple incidents that led to suspect that something (yes, mental health) is troubling the 46th president of the US. A day before he tripped on the Air Force One, he addressed the Vice President Kamala Harris as President Harris. The same thing happened during their presidential campaign, where he called Harris as president-elect.

But, medical reports say Biden is healthy and vigorous!

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the president’s physician, affirmed that the 78-year-old leader is healthy and there is no sign of slowing down. The medical conditions, which he had in the past, are under control and there are not any threats to Biden’s health. He has been taking medications for acid reflux, seasonal allergies and cholesterol, and that is okay. His health is in stable condition, thanks to his habit of not smoking and drinking.


Critics have always targeted the president and claimed that he has mental health issues, and he is mentally and physically too old to run the office. Biden, in his recent speech, forgot the name of Defense Secretary and addressed the four-star Army general as the guy. Also, the president has slogged during his another speech promoting the relief package.


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