
Lord of the Rings Video Game Announced in 2019 Cancelled By Amazon

The much-awaited Lord of the Rings video MMO Game has been cancelled. Here are all the latest updates you need to know about it.

Lord of The Rings Video Game Cancelled

Amazon Game Studios has been developing Lord of the Rings MMO video Game since 2019. The Studio made an official announcement about the development of this game in 2019 by tweeting, “Big news: We’re working with Leyou to develop and publish a free-to-play MMO based on The Lord of the Rings world for consoles and PC.”

Lord of the Rings Game Announced in 2019 Cancelled By Amazon

Despite all the hustle-bustle the video game has now been cancelled and will no longer be in production. Now the question arises what led to its cancellation? Well, to answer that Amazon’s video game division, that is, Amazon Game Studios was working alongside China-based Leyou Technologies Holdings back when the game was announced.

Later, Chinese tech giant Tencent Holdings acquired Leyou Technologies Holdings in December 2019. This resulted in a conflict between the company, Amazon and Tencent. This dispute due to contract negotiations ultimately led to the cancellation of the Lord of the Rings MMO video Game.

“Following Leyou’s recent acquisition by Tencent, we have been unable to secure terms to proceed with this title at this time”, the Amazon spokeswoman said.

The fate of the LOTR Video Game Working Team

Lord of the Rings Game Announced in 2019 Cancelled By Amazon

As far as the workforce involved in the development of the LOTR video Game, the company has decided to shift them to some other projects. “The Amazon team working on the game will be moved to other projects,” said the spokeswoman.

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Since 2014, Amazon Game Studios has struggled to release a hassle-free successful video game. This is not the first time that Amazon has cancelled a game. Previously also it has cancelled games like ‘Breakaway’ and ‘Crucible’. Also, the game which is under production right now ‘New World’ too has been delayed again.

To cite the reason for this struggle of the Amazon video game division, it will be mismanagement and cultural issues leading to a clash and conflict between the developers and the company’s principles and policies. The internal conflicts have resulted in this kind of managerial issues leading to unnecessary cancellation and delays.

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