
Us Urges Who Assembly to Include Taiwan know More

United States on Friday renewed cause on the World Health Organisation decision-making body to include Taiwan over China’s objection point to Island strong record of covid.

3 million people had been killed in this Global pandemic it is the latest Annual meeting in the mid said which will be on May 24 of the World Health Assembly.

There was outstanding control of Taiwan over covid-19 and they have donated the PPE to demonstrate its strong contribution to the global health state department of spokesman Ned price said referring to personal protective equipment. Taiwan also have some world-leading experts in combating disease and we need to hear from typhoid at the World Health assembly he wrote on Twitter.

The US President poster latest efforts to support of Taiwan International by following the administration substances if not always the tone of former President Donald Trump’s  hawkish stance on China. The US president has also reserved a withdrawal from a UN body which Trump blamed for not conferring China on the virus aimed criticism of his own handling of paint mix in the United States.

Last year in the Assembly was paid to bring Taiwan due to objection of Beijing which considered the self-governing democracy to be a territory awaiting unification and objects to any International recognization for it.

Taiwan has taken early and aggressive actions on covid-19 despite its approximately to the miniland China where the covid-19 was first detected in 2019.

Taiwan has some of the world’s leading expert in combating the covid-19 and we need to hear from Taiwan at the World Health assembly US President wrote this and there was an objection from China. China has blocked Taiwan’s participation in the wh assembly at the event since 2016.

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Taiwan has for ticket in one of the most sensitive issue between Washington and Beijing the issue return to the fore under the Trump administration last year as a US and China trade accusation over the covid-19 breakout. Taiwan successfully handling of the virus so far the Global concern about the China initial response to it has flooded support from taipei participation in the Assembly.

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