
Fortnite Season 6 Week 7: Chech the List of Challenges & Missions Here.

The wait is over, on 27th April 2021, the Fortnite 16.30 update went live saying the Fortnite Week 7 Challenges. 

During this pandemic, people are way more focused on their gadgets, awaiting new challenges. So that they can enter the Battle pass after completing all the challenges mentioned below. Fortnite season 6, week 7 challenges are simple but tricky to complete as the reward sounds valuable for all the players. 

The challenges which are stated in the Live are simple to consummate, and where players are rewarded with XP- getting a battle pass. 

What are the challenges of Fortnite Week 7?

The challenges are distinct into two sectors- Legendary Quests and Weekly Epic Quests. 

The legendary challenges are for pro players and if completed, rewards with a total of 133k XP, whereas when the player’s sheer victory with all the challenges in the weekly Epic-are awarded with 24.5k XP. 

Fortnite Season 6 Week 7: Chech the List of Challenges & Missions Here.

What Challenges are there in the Weekly 7 Epic Quests?

  • Makeshift weapon elimination- players are ought to eliminate an enemy with a makeshift weapon, that is available as random floor loot
  • Primal Weapon Elimination- players make a primal weapon using animal parts and defeat the enemy with a primal weapon
  • Mechanical weapon- to make mechanical weapon; player combines makeshift weapon and mechanical weapon that are available as the random floor in Fortnite 6th season.
  • Mark Weapons of a different rarity- this challenge is considered to be the easiest one, where players are asked to mark on the map the location of the weapon that is available all over the island in Fortnite.
  • Collect meat or peppers- this task will be entertaining as well as quite easy for players to accomplish, where players hunt wild animals and collect peppers from fruit boxes on the map.
  • Hunt Raptor- as we know, the last task is meant to be the toughest and hardest one to accomplish in the game. Players should hunt Raptors very carefully, which are massive bullet sponges and can explode anytime.
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What do we see in the Legendary Challenges? 

The players should damage opponents (2500,5000,7500,10000,12500) and be rewarded with 133k XP total. 

Boost yourself, to complete all the challenges and get ready to take over the Battle pass XP. 

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