
Bill de Blasio Promise Massive FINANCIAL AID to 9,500 city Workers via Payback

Countries rich and poor alike are battered by the destruction caused by pandemics. The United States of America is one such example whose economy and people are broken by the onslaught of virus. With the situation getting back to normal, the mayor of Ney York Bill de Blasio recently promised Massive financial aid to 9,500 city workers.

The Background for a paycheck

The year 2020 when Sars Cov 2 started wreaking havoc on New York. Many lost their jobs. The pandemic led to the wide-scale suffering of people affected directly and indirectly by the virus. The virus impacted New York’s finances. Thus in September, de Blasio announced all managerial and non-represented employees of the city had to take five furlough days. This came as an attempt to save New York city $21 million.

About 9500 employs were affected by the plan. They were forced to take five days of furlough between October 2020 and March. This all happened because the city faced an unprecedented budget crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moving ahead: End of the Pandemic

On Saturday, Mayor Bill de Blasio said the federal stimulus puts the city in a “much better place,” allowing for the employees’ payback. The mayor in a statement also acknowledged the work public servants did to serve the New Yorkers last year.

The affected 9500 employees can sign up to reclassify their furlough days in June. As a result they will get their money back starting from July this year.

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Biden administration passed Covid relief package.

Last summer, negotiations between de Blasio administration and municipal unions saved 22,000 jobs. This helped these city employees narrowly escaped layoffs. Under an October deal with the city’s largest union the city agreed not to lay off any members until the end of June.

In March, President Joe Biden and Democrat-controlled Congress narrowly passed a COVID relief package. This package is scheduled to direct $6 billion in coronavirus relief funds to New York City. This package is still short of $3 billion asked by the mayor. Looking forward this is still a victory for New York City given the persistent pleas by the mayor. Meanwhile,, De Blasio has accepted the package wholeheartedly.

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