
Fast 9: Vin Diesel is Going into Space, Confirms Michelle Rodriguez in Fast and Furious 9

Fast and Furious production is not only a whose name start with the world fast, but it really thinks faster than your imagination. Yes, I am seriously saying this and I hope you also get a hint of what I want to say in this article. As you see in the title of this article, we gonna talk about what actually Michelle Rodriguez said regarding this matter.

So, if you interested to know more about Fast and Furious 9 and the space going issue then go through the whole article. After reading the whole one, I hope you guys get all the answers of your questions.

What actually Michelle Rodriguez said?

So, the whole hype starts after Sirius XM’s The Jess Cagle Show where Michelle was asked to corroborate the claim. This was made by Ludacris on that same particular show and totally he was no other options to say.

Here basically the host or the anchor of the show caught off-guard and said if she will join Ludacris on the space scene or not. For this question, basically, she has nothing to say and hides from the interviewer and said I’m not lucky enough to hit space. She also said that she is also very lucky that, the show is now almost in its final condition.

In previous time, host Julia Cunningham had told Ludacris, “I don’t even know creatively what they could come up with to wow us even though I know they do every time. I’m like, space has to be involved, submarines, I don’t even know. In my mind, I can’t imagine what happens in the next movie.”

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There is also another rumor that F9 also may feature the legend late Paul Walker by some digital trick. Besides this, in this movie, we are also going to see Vin Diesel, John Cena, Sung Kang, Helen Mirren, Tyrese Gibson, Nathalie Emmanuel, Jordana Brewster.

When the movie finally coming?

So, the movie is scheduled officially to release on 25th June 2021. But, the delay is because of global pandemic COVID-19.

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