The time I got Reincarnated as slime is an anime series with a total number of two seasons till now. This Japanese anime revolves around the story of a Character called Rimurur who was killed and hen reborn or Reincarnated into a new world as a slime.
The series is animated by Eight Bit and was supposed to release in 2020 but due to the pandemic, Coronavirus was pushed in 2021. Recently episode 12 of the same was released on 30th March 2021 and viewers now can’t wait for episode 13. Read the following article to get the details about the same.
The Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Season 2 will release?
The anime is a split cour anime and the second cour of the anime is set to be released from July or September 2021. If we talk about the Episode 13 of The Time I got reincarnated as a Slime, then it is said to be released in September 2021. Anime lovers can not wait enough to see the same.
Recap of Episode 12, The Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Season 2
In the previous episode or the recent release episode 12, viewers can see that rimuru has recovered from the transformation. Then someone comes to him and informs him about the destruction of the Kingdom of Eurazania but also gets informed that the citizens are safe and refuge at the Tempest.
As per the information, Milim defeats Carrion with the help of the Demon Lord Frey. The Primordial Demon also becomes Rimuru’s Subordinate under the name of Diablo. Rimuru also gets to know about the possibility of Clayman’s involvement with what Milim and Carrion have done. Rimuru also releases Vendora’s seal and gives him a new body as he promised.
No new update has been given from the anime creators, neither they have given any hint regarding what’s going to happen in episode 13
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