
Everything You Need to Know About Star Trek Discovery Season 4: Release Date Updates

Star Trek is one of the few good shows on Discovery. The show has been inspired by the original Star Trek. The story revolves around Michael Burnham and her crewmates on their ship USS and they travel to very distant parts of the Universe and find new and intelligent lives which sometimes can be their friends and sometimes can be their enemies and that is where the real conflict leads.

There were many things that happened in the previous three seasons and telling specific details is impossible. So. we will just go with the above description of the show.


We all know that even before season 3 all episodes were premiered, Discovery announced the next season in a tweet as well as an Instagram post which as the critic said was in a hurry to capitalize on the previous seasons which received a mixed reaction from the audience as well as the critics. On the 2nd November 2020, the show started its pre-production and because of Corona Virus, everything was delayed, from actors arriving to set to shoot the series. The actors were supposed to follow the Covid rules of Toronto, Canada in which they had to isolate in a room for weeks, and then they can arrive on sets.

When the people were asked how are they pulling it off, everyone was surprised when they told us that the CGI team is editing from their homes, actors are acting on a homemade set and green screen, the musicians of the show are recording it personally and then sending the studio in the studio and the sound designer is mixing them afterward. This was absolutely crazy.

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The series is expected to release in the last months of this year or if the show post-production will be delayed because of obvious reasons, the show could be postponed to the early months of next year i.e, 2022.

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