
Marvel Reveals New Guardian of the Galaxy Team With Fresh Issue Trailer

Marvel Reveals New Guardian

Last month Marvel teased about expanding their Guardian of Galaxy realm and now it seems like they have done what they said. Al Ewing and Juan Frigeri are going to create the series slated to kick off in April. Recently they teased about introducing new plans on the group and new members of the team. Marvel has released a new trailer for their upcoming series of Guardian of Galaxy #13, and it turns out that the Guardian is all set to take another villainous gigantic pest.

This issue will hit the stores on April 14th and will mark the historic 175th issue of the team of Cosmic heroes.

“It’s a golden opportunity to spice up the thing a bit, to raise the danger and the stakes, and somewhere it’s a way to playoff S.W.O.R.D. – a thrilling encounter of space Avengers with Space X-Men.” Erwin shared while having an interview with CBR “But mostly, it’s the turn story always wanted to take. With many thoughts in my head, I ended up making a plan which will take the things to a brighter place.” He added

The classic team of Cosmic heroes will expand to feature the introduction of new Guardians including the return of original team members like Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Gamora, and Drax. The new heroes to join the Guardians of Galaxy are Hercules, Hulkling, Nova, Wiccan, Quasar, Moon Dragon, Mantis, Marvel Boy, and none other than one of the strongest villains of Marvel Universe, Doctor Doom. But it is still a mystery that how Doctor Doom is going to leave his evilness and join hands with heroes.

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Guardians of the Galaxy #13 is releasing on April 14, with Guardians of Galaxy #14 kicking off on May 12 and Guardian of the Galaxy arriving on June 23. The cover of all these three issues features special images that when brought together will show all the members of the cosmic band in the same image.

Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for all the latest updates.

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