
Most Polluted Capital ‘Delhi’– Causes And Effects

Pollution is causing a lot of problems in our day-to-day life. Controlling it is becoming extremely important. Here’s what is causing it and its effects.

Delhi– Most Polluted Capital

The air quality of Delhi is becoming worse day-by-day. The visibility is extremely low, now it stands to 561 metres. India on the whole has improved in terms of pollution but in Delhi, the condition is becoming poor everyday. However, the air quality has improved from what it was previously due to the lockdown.

Most Polluted Capital 'Delhi'– Causes and Effects

The principal sources of air pollution are– coal-based power production, transportation, construction and industry in urban centres and stubble burning and biomass burning in rural areas.

Another main reason for the pollution is the emission of Green House Gasses. Use of pesticides and fertilizers also acts as a pollutant. Loud noise littering unnecessarily is also one of the main causes of pollution.

With more and more advancement pollution is likely to rise and Delhi being the capital of India it is more inevitable.

Effects of Pollution

Pollution is the biggest enemy of mankind. Advancement and development is a part of our life but Pollution-free development is something which is the need of the hour.

To jot down the effects of pollution, it is something which is a never ending process. There a numerous effects of pollution.

Pollution will lead to a muddy landscape, poisoned soils and water bodies, destroying vegetation, plants and animals.

Most Polluted Capital 'Delhi'– Causes and Effects

Prolonged exposure to polluted air will cause respiratory ailments like chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer and other breathing diseases/problems.

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Toxic chemicals accumulating on top of the predators can make some species unsafe to eat.

More than one billion people lack access to clean water and 2.4 billion don’t have adequate sanitation, putting them at risk of contracting deadly diseases.

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