
Major Changes Observed in Antarctica’s Marine Ecosystem

With the ice melting at a rapid speed, it is quite evident that our planet is facing some severe climatic changes. It is not just global warming, that is affecting our planet, but air currents, changes in the food webchain, burnt fossil fuels too.

There have been new reports on changes seen in Antarctica’s marine ecosystem. Antarctica has always been the one continent that gets hit every time, our planet faces some major climate changes. A new study by a research team of the Faculty of Biology and the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) of the University of Barcelona released one such observation in the journal Marine Environmental Research.

Antarctica’s Falling Ecosystem

The major part of natural carbon in the Antarctic biological system is found at the shallows. That is phytoplankton, an algae that develop beneath the ice and green growth that are stuck in rocks. The presence of ice within the shallows limits the essential generation amid the exceptions for the most part of the year. The intensity of summer and heat surely affects the ecosystem and the bloom of phytoplankton.

Major Changes Observed in Antarctica's Marine Ecosystem

When the phytoplankton generation is serious, they have indeed gotten to be the fundamental source of carbon for benthic species, in any case of the scope and length of the marine ice. This diminishes the significance of benthic algae as a source of carbon, which is that as it may exceptionally tall since these are ensured from herbivores by chemical resistances.

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Subsequently, those ranges that highlight a summer blossom of phytoplankton, appears a shorter and redundant trophic organize, like within the ocean surface that remains solidified for months. This causes a drop within the benthic biological system.

Vulnerable Region

Major Changes Observed in Antarctica's Marine Ecosystem

The most prone to climate change is the Antarctica Peninsula. During the snow time, there is a dip in the height of marine ice in the north. The melting of ice is now moving towards the South, this will cause fatality to the species ‘Antarctica Krill.’ This will continue to move on until and unless the conditions of the excessive phytoplankton exist.

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