
Jake Gyllenhaal Joins Hands with Extraction Director Sam Hargrave for War Drama

Recently, MGM studios revealed that are in the talk to acquire the rights over Combat Control, a war-thriller movie featuring Jake Gyllenhaal and helmed by Extraction director Sam Hargrave.

According to the reports by Deadline, the story of the movie revolves around the life of Medal honor recipient John Chapman, a brave American soldier who receives true appreciation for his heroic act fifteen years later his death. With Hargrave on the director chair, Shelby Malone will be handling the production and Gyllenhaal will executive produce.

Jake Gyllenhaal Joins Hands with Extraction Director Sam Hargrave for War Drama

In reality, Chapman sacrificed his life for the guarantee of his teammate’s safety, while encountering Afghanistan on March 04, 2002. With no witnesses, Chapman’s death was speculated uncertain for more than a year. After a long 15 years wait, Chapman’s heroic act was investigated and revealed by an Airforce Captain named Cora Alexander, he not just brought his sacrifice into the light but also left no stone unturned to get his name included in the Hall of Heroes. The search for the actor to portray the role of Alexander is still underway.

Jake Gyllenhaal Joins Hands with Extraction Director Sam Hargrave for War Drama

Hargrave has already established himself as one of the most successful stunt coordinators of the industry with his several iconic works for Marvel Cinematic Universe. Recently in an exclusive interview with Collider, Hargrave revealed how is still learning to add more thrill to his acts and how he wants to make every movie iconic with his work.

Jake Gyllenhaal Joins Hands with Extraction Director Sam Hargrave for War Drama

Recently, Hargrave delivered the perfect example of marvelous stunt sequences with his movie Extraction which became the most-streamed movie on Netflix. Of course, this means that Extraction 2 is on its way. A war movie based on a true story is surely the one we should speculate about and especially with a tremendous hero like Gyllenhaal on board.

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We don’t have a lot of information about Combat Control. No trailer, no poster, no release date, not even an official synopsis that could tell us more about how the movie will approach Chapman’s story. But one thing is pretty sure that this movie with such a strong plot has the capability of becoming one of the most iconic movies of the year.

Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for all the latest updates.

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