
Is the 4k Image Posted by Nintendo Real?

Recently, there was a tweet sent by Nintendo’s official Animal crossing Twitter account. The tweet was about new horizons – the incoming game event.

While most of the retaliations were revolving around shamrock day. There were a decent amount of followers who were smart enough to observe that this particular tweet had a screenshot attached to it. This screenshot was in much higher resolution as compared to the other posts of the same.

There was a lot of discussion among the gamers community about this issue. There was a certain post on Reddit claiming that all the posts of this account are in high resolution but the particular one was ‘ridiculously’ high in terms of resolution. While this was happening on Reddit, Twitter users were asking why the image is in ‘4k’. Among all these curious individuals, there was someone who posted in the same thread that the real image is 5760 x 3240.

Luigi blood – software developers and game lovers also noted that the picture posted is actually more than 4k and probably is an inner picture of the game.

Many followers on Isabelle’s account had caught sight of the old Nintendo account’s posts. Hence, these followers could confidently say that this would not be the first time when the gaming company had released high-resolution pictures. They could say this confidently because a few years ago the gaming company also released high-resolution pictures of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


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Is the 4k Image Posted by Nintendo Real?

Some of the tweets are as follows:-

  • “Wait. This screen is in 4K!’
  • “Nintendo, why are you doing this to us? Just reveal Switch Pro already, damn it.’
  • “I have to be honest, but this is not a first. We’ve had higher resolution screens before.”
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As much as the users want the game to be in 4k, the gaming community is confused about what if the gaming community of Nintendo just posted high-resolution pictures as they did a few years back with the legend of Zelda: breath of the wild!

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