
New Zealand Prime Minister Replies to a Heartwarming Letter of a School Girl

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is presently the 40th Prime Minister of the country and is the leader of the Labour Party since 2017. She is a member of Parliament for Mount Albert since March 2017.

Jacinda is a social democrat and a progressive leader. She stood up for the people and her country when in March 2019, she was with the country through the terrorist attack on the Christchurch mosque shootings. She quickly introduced strict gun laws in response to the attack using her position for the benefit of the country.

She has a lot of respect, admiration, and adulation for her work not only from her home country in New Zealand but also in the world.

New Zealand Prime Minister Replies to a Heartwarming Letter of a School Girl

How did Jacintha manage to win the internet and people’s heart?

A 12-year-old Irish girl named Lily had to write a letter to a world leader which was a part of a social assignment for her. The young lady chose Jacintha as the receiver of the letter.

The prime minister was absolutely delighted to receive the letter from Lily and replied to her letter with a heartwarming response. Lily had written the letter to Ardern when the Covid lockdown was first implemented in the country.

Jacintha was sweet enough to answer her letter and she replied back with the words, “Dear Lily, Thank you so much for your letter. I’m sorry that it has taken a while to get back to you, it’s been a busy few months, unfortunately,” Ardern replied in response to the letter. She personally signed the letter herself for Lily.

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Philip Bromwell who is Lily’s father and an Irish Journalist expressed the New Zealand Prime Minister’s response to her daughter’s letter. He posted the personal letter signed by Jacinda.

New Zealand Prime Minister Replies to a Heartwarming Letter of a School Girl

People on Twitter flipped and were super happy on seeing the letter response from the NZ PM. The letter went viral on Twitter and social media and managed to collect thousands of likes.

New Zealand Prime Minister Replies to a Heartwarming Letter of a School Girl

New Zealand Prime Minister Replies to a Heartwarming Letter of a School Girl

Jacintha manages to be a world leader, who is respected and admired by people of different age groups and nationalities. She replied back to Lili saying hope she and her family are staying safe in Ireland, pass on my best wishes to them. She ended the letter by saying Thanks for writing, Lily.

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