
Little Things Season 4 Renewed by Netflix: Release Date & Other Details

One of the most amazing TV shows from India is “Little Things”. The show explores the love story of a couple in various stages of their life, except for marriage. They are in a live-in relationship in Mumbai. And have different see of passions and goals for their life. What was started as a low-budget small TV show on Youtube is now streaming on Netflix? With all its three seasons in all its glory! And Fortunately, Netflix has Renewed Little Things Season 4 as well.

This is one of the handfuls of shows which actually got better with its 2nd and third seasons. The audience just loved this show and the critics too fell in love with this show. It is written by Dhruv Sehgal, the man who plays Dhruv in the show. What an amazing actor and an amazing writer. The female lead of this show is Mithila Palkar also known as Biryani Moster in the show. Every episode is 20-30 min long.

Little Things Season 4 Renewed by Netflix

Little Things Season 4 Release Date Announcement

Recently Netflix announced Little Things Season 4 among many others. Although there is no confirmation on the exact release date. We think it will be released in mid of May. The plot will again focus on the long-distance part of the relationship between Dhruv and Kavya after the ending of season 3.

Little Things Synopsis and Recap

Season 1 mostly established their relationship as a live-in couple who are living in Mumbai Little Things Season 4 Renewed by Netflix are very goal-oriented peoples with different ideologies and character traits.

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Little Things Season 4 Renewed by Netflix

The first season is designed in a way that you can watch any episode. And you will get a hold of the story of this couple. The first season just focuses on establishing the world they live in. And make no promises for a second season in the end. The second season focuses on the issues of individuals. Who are in a relationship and problems they have to face internally?

The second season also introduced a character who is a childhood friend of Dhruv. And how he notices he has changed from childhood which makes Dhruv uncomfortable. The story of Kavya is also told in a way that how she is ambitious in her goals. And it is a good thing to be ambitious. The third season focuses on the long-distance part of the relationship and how they have to adapt with time.

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