
Wildfires One of the Most Common Natural Disaster of the Time

Last year set it was a year if wildfire. It all began with the great Amazon fire which destroyed around 45 acres of forest. Californian fire and the Australian fire. Climate change, increase in global warming and lack of rain caused this wildfire.

Not only wildfire but 2020 has seen many more natural disasters and it was a year of disasters. The year ended but the disasters know no year or date and continue to affect the world at large.


After Amazon and California now it’s Japan. On 25th February 2021, Japan saw a wildfire breakout in the rural are near Tokyo. The reason behind the wildfire is unclear. The fire still continues to spread in spite of the hard work and efforts of the firefighters.

It’s the fourth day since the first wildfire fire broke in Ashikaga in Tochigi. Already 207 households are ordered to move to another place as it’s very close to the forest.

Wildfires One of the Most Common Natural Disaster of the Time

Both the area are not close to each other and are away. According to the sources, it’s said that the areas didn’t get sufficient rain last year though the actual reason is still unclear but the fire started of the rest area for hikers. Firefighters ate tirelessly working on the ground along with the military helicopter on top. The efforts go wasted as the fire is not getting stop at all.

According to the sources, one man so far has suffered Burns and was hospitalized. No other humans are said to have been affected due to the wildfire.100 acres of the forest got destroyed along with the mountain temple situated in the forest.

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Keeping in mind the spread of Coronavirus the 3 evacuation centers were built. Social distancing is followed in the center’s every one wears a mask and all the precautions are been taken. Initially, only 50 households were told to vacant the are but as the fire grew More households are told to vacate the area.

Wildfires One of the Most Common Natural Disaster of the Time

Military helicopters and firefighters are on duty and are giving their best to control the spread of fire. It’s high time we take nature’s warming signs seriously and work towards saving mother earth and sustainable development.

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