
News about Stranger Things seasons 4 and a Spoiler-free Synopsis

Stranger Things is one of the most popular Sci-fi dramas on Netflix in the world. it became a fan favorite when the first season released in 2016, the second season in 2017, and the third season in 2019. It was something different for Netflix’s viewers. Created by Matt and Ross Duffer, the show has been running for 5 years with the last installment of 3rd season. The show had considerable success and a big budget. The last season i.e third season premiered in 2019, but Netflix announced the fourth season in a span of 6 months because of the show’s popularity.


Without Spoilers (almost), The first season focuses on Will and Eleven. A boy from the nerd group of 5 boys and a mysterious girl. The first season mainly established the world of upside-down, Hawkins, and the premise of the show and what can we expect. The story is simple with supernatural elements. Will got stuck in the upside world and the quest of a mother to find her son. The entry of Eleven aka El is a victim of child abuse and she is running from a kind of mental hospital where they torture children with supernatural abilities. The first season also introduced many characters that will stay throughout all seasons.

The second season focuses on the struggle of Will in the aftermath of the events of Season 1. Three new characters were introduced, Billy, Max, and Bob. Poor Bob. It starts one year after the events of season 1. In the end, El vanished after the fight with Demogorgon. She also returns. This season we have a new threat. A new monster from upside down and a big one. I Will try to confront him but this leads to bad things. Also, Eleven went on to find people like her. She joined them but eventually leave the group to get Hawkins and fight the beast.

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Season 3 is more connected with season 2 in the aspect of big monsters. This season also focuses on Billy and his journey till the end. Without getting too into the story, The band comes together to again fight the evil as it never ends.


The teaser of the fourth season was released way back in the February of 2020. In the teaser, we get to see Hopper in Russia, with a shaved head working on rail lines. Fans predicted that he got stuck in the Upside down, but the teaser shows it is clearly not the case. And also the post but Stranger Things suggested that the events of the fourth season will not be in Hawkins but in Russia. The release date of the fourth season was supposed to be in early 2021 but because of the CoronaVirus pandemic, it stopped. Now we expect it to release either in late 2021 or at the starting of 2022.

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