
Greta Thunberg’s Reaction on Disha Ravi Arrest

Disha Ravi, a 21-year-old environmental activist and a co-founder of a Global Environmental social group ‘Friday for Future India’ was arrested on 13 February 2021 from her home in Bengaluru. Police arrested her for sharing a Google Document referred as a ‘Toolkit’ for farmers’ protest. They also allegedly accused her for closely working on and formulating the document and for sharing it with her friends and posting on her timeline. Oh how can she use the freedom of speech because they are just some words in our constitution and you can not actually access them?

Who is Greta Thunberg and what is her relation with Disha Ravi Case?

Greta Thunberg is an 18-year-old international environmental activist who called for a school protest for environmental safety and awareness. Thunberg was jus of 16 years when she understood climate change and called for a School strike for climate.

Thunberg is very active on Twitter and she recently was seen sharing a Google Document or Word document or the Toolkit related to farmers protest on her Twitter profile but with the outdated dates. When the document came into notice and people started questioning it, Thunberg deleted the document or updated the document with current dates.

The police is accusing Disha Ravi that she shared the document with Thunberg and then also asked her to delete it when Thunberg shared it on Twitter.

Greta Thunberg's Reaction on Disha Ravi Arrest

Greta Thunberg’s reaction on Disha Ravi’s arrest? 

After a week of Ravi’s arrest, Thunberg tweeted in the support of Disha Ravi. She wrote “Freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest and assembly are non-negotiable human rights. These must be a fundamental part of any democracy,” with the hashtag StandWithDishaRavi’ on last Friday.

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Greta Thunberg's Reaction on Disha Ravi Arrest

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