
Some Relief for few Houses and Businesses as power in Texas get Restored to Some Extent.

Nature has been always teaching us to make efficient use of resources. As we are developing we are giving a deaf ear to the warnings nature has given us so far. The Amazon fire, Pandemic and now the winter storms in part of USA. It’s high time we take these warning signs seriously and make the best efforts to save mother earth.

Some relief for few houses.

Texas and the nearby places in US are facing the winter storm. The temperature has gone down to below freezing levels. More than 4.3 million people have been affected badly by winter storms. Over a dozen deaths were reported in the past few days following the winter storm, but it’s not the winter storm that got the attention of media, public and political parties. It’s the power cuts that drew everyone’s attention.

Texas is the only state of USA with it’s own internal power grid. Managed by the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas a non-profit organization. It takes care of the 90% of the state’s Electricity. After the storm, the Electricity grids were affected very badly. The power grids have been criticized by the political authorities, citizens and possibly by all the well-known authorities.

The demand for electricity increased after the temperature dropped plunging down to 18 degrees in of parts of the states. People switched to their thermostats to keep themselves warm. This created over 69,000 megawatts of electricity which is 3200 megawatts higher then the previous winter peak which was set back in 2018.

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The state’s power resources too got affected as gas lines got blocked by ice, turbines were froze, coal piles and thermal generators too started falling of the grid. Initially, it was decided to announce a power cut for 10 to 45 minutes inorder to meet the demand but by Tuesday millions of people were left without electricity. Households, hospitals, industries, offices and almost everything in the state got affected with this blackout.

Along with the electricity supply of food, gas and water too was restricted. As the tap water which was supplied by the municipality got converted into ice inside the pipeline most of the people have no access to clean drinking water. The electricity grid and the rescue teams are working hard to provide the citizens with all the necessities there is no proper information of when and how the power will get restored. According to few sources, the power was restored for few households and businesses on Thursday.

Still there are many areas with no power and water supply. Effort are made to provide the citizens with at least drinking water and water supply and distribution points will get established.

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