
Why Samantha is Missing from ‘Sex and the City’ Reboot: Know More

Sex and the city is one of the most famous and critically acclaimed movies ever made, It’s one of the classics people look up to in a gathering of friends. or for many, it’s a go-to movie whenever they feel like it.

It’s movies as well as an American Drama. Both of them are loved by people especially women but both of them are not critically acclaimed. The movie was released in 2008 and had a mixed response from the critics. You can watch it on Amazon Prime now.


HBO wanted to revive the series for a long time now. And I think it’s happening now. HBO just announced that they are going to produce a revival of the original. They announced it a month back but there was no confirmation back then and also no confirmation on the cast. but it’s official now. They are going ahead with the project and the news has also been confirmed by Sarah Jessica Parker. The official release date has not been announced by the studios but hopefully, the shooting will start from this year and the project will be aired in the next year.


Casting details have not yet been publicized but we know that Samantha Jones will not appear in this. It was played by none other than Kim Cattrall. This is because she does not want to play that character anymore. She has said in a couple of interviews that she will not continue the role of Samantha. She also said that she loved the character and the character will always be in her heart when she was cross-questioned by a reporter.

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