
The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD to arrive on Nintendo Switch

Nintendo has a distinct place when it comes to console gaming. It has its own set of exclusive franchises like Mario, Pokémon, Bayonetta, Super Smash Bros., and The Legend of Zelda. Not only the famous franchises, but the overall collection of sports gaming, pleasure gaming, and motion-based gaming makes Nintendo Switch a must-have console.

The recent Nintendo Direct 2021 event announced a lot of games in the upcoming future. Unfortunately, people who wanted an update on the sequel of Zelda: Breath of the Wild were left empty-handed. But it was not fully disappointing for them. While the news for Breath of the Wild 2 could be out later, another Zelda game is coming to Switch from the archives. Prepare yourselves for Skyward Sword HD!

About The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

The original Zelda: Skyward Sword released ten years ago in 2011 for the Nintendo Wii console. As it completes its 10th anniversary in November this year, the newly remastered game will have enhanced features. While the original game had motion controls, the new game will also incorporate the controls.

As per Eiji Aonuma, producer of the game, the Switch version will have a smoother gameplay. Moreover, the game will also introduce a button-only format as well. So if you have a Pro Controller or a Switch Lite you can play it without a problem. Plus in the original Switch, you will also be able to play in handheld mode. The game will release on July 16, 2021.

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The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD to arrive on Nintendo Switch

The Basic Plot of The Game

The story of Skyward Sword takes place at the beginning of the original Zelda timeline. The player controls the iconic character Link, who is currently training as a knight in Skyloft, a land in the clouds. In this game, Link has to save the Triforce from falling into the evil hands of Ghirahim, who wants to free an evil entity from the past.

The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD to arrive on Nintendo Switch

The Special Joy Cons

Nintendo is planning to release a special Skyward Sword themed joy cons for Nintendo Switch when Skyward Sword HD will launch. The design of the joy cons is based on the key weapons Link uses. The left joy con is based on the Hylian Shield and the right joy con is based on the Master Sword.

Lastly, Aonuma did say that the development for Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is going well. This means that the remastered game would not only keep the hype alive, but also introduce new Switch users to experience the game that served as a basis for the Breath of the Wild in 2017.

Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for more updates!

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