
Hearthstone Expansion’ 21 Release date and what to Expect


Blizzard Entertainment produced a free online digital collectable card game released for Microsoft Windows and macOS in March 2014.  This game allows players to play with other players on any device, the only restrictions was the geographical region. So, basically it supports many amazing features including cross-platform play.

Hearthstone Expansion' 21: Everything you need to know

Now, we are all ready to see the expansion of Hearthstone. Blizzard is preparing for the same and they will make sure that nothing will be so common. So, it means expansion may involve some bigger changes and they will be adding new features as well. This year everything will be more prominent than we have ever thought, we can hope for the best.

What to expect?

Well, there’s no official list about the new features for Heathstone but “Quil You Be Ready’, a small teaser, shows the adventure in middle of a place surrounded by Horde Logo.


HearthStone has always come up with major expansions including the new Duels mode with Darkmoon Faire. This year, Blizard has already announced the ending of Classic and Basic sets and now they’ll go into Wild- The Core Set. Every expansion is given a title, such as, Year of the Phoenix is the current year expansion’s title. Ashes of Outland, Scholomance Academy, and Madness at the Darkmoon Faire are the 2020-2021 expansions.

Hearthstone Expansion' 21: Everything you need to know

Furthermore, you can unlock basic sets by leveling up your game and talking about classic sets, you have to keep on hunting and collecting cards. So for 2020 and 2021 we have Core set and it is to be said as free as the Basic set was.

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Hearthstone Expansion' 21: Everything you need to know

When is the release? 

Now we all want to know the release timing of the HearthStone expansion. The date is unknown but if we have to make a guess from the previous release dates, we can guess the March 2021 will be the presumed date. As Blizzard always releases the new expansions within months so March 2021 could be the predictable month.

The wait for the new expansion is almost over now, you can get all the details from the official website of BlizzConline.


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