
Most Anticipated Movies of 202: Judas and the Black Messiah, Black Widow and more

2021 is going to a joy ride to cinema lovers. It’s going to an amazing year in movies. From Big franchise releases to small stand-alone movies. This year we will also get to watch movies from some of our favorite directors and writers. This year we are also going to see some of our favorite stars on screen too.


Releasing on the 5th of March, this movie shows the life of Fred Hampton, Chairman of The Black Panther Party, Illinois. Black Panther Party was a people’s party that was involved in the Black Liberation Movement in the United States of America in the 1960s. The screenplay for this movie is written by Will Berson and Directed by Shaka King.


Warner Brothers are also coming with another part of Tom and Jerry. Many critics have criticized the movie even before the movie is released, that the movie is far-fetched and plays with nostalgia. We all know Tom and Jerry’s place in our hearts. It’s going to release not the 26th of February. The story is written by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and made under the direction of Tim Story.


This movie is the next installment in the Monster Verse. We are waiting for this epic battle between these two monsters for ages and finally, it’s happening. The monster verse is not about great art and niche film-making. It’s a movie, you will just enjoy seeing two great beasts fighting for their lives and at last, it’s possible that humanity can be wiped out from the Earth. It’s going to be released on the 25th of March. this movie is directed by Adam Wingard.

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Black Widow also knows as Natasha Romanova is a part of MCU since its origin. She has been a part of Standalone movies like Iron Man, Captain America, and all the parts of Avengers. But we don’t know her origin story. Of course, those who read comics know her origin. And At last, we are going to know her journey from the KGB to the Avengers and beyond it. Made under the direction of Cate Shortland, this movie will release on the 29th of April under the banner of MCU.

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