
Cells At Work Season 2 Episode 3: Release date, Spoilers and Watch online

Cells at work written by Akane Shimizu, is a Japanese magna series. It features Reb blood cells and White blood cells along with all the other cells present in the human body. It is adapted from Monthly Shonen Sirius. The anime series is produced by David Production and directed by Kenichi Suzuki.

The first season of Cells At Work premiered in September 2020. The second season release in 2021. It has completed its 2epiodes and now the 3rd episode is abut to air. Have a look at the details below!

Release date

Cells At Work Season 2 Episode 3: Release date, Spoilers and Watch online

Cells At Work Season 2 Episode 3 is coming out tomorrow, Friday 22nd January 2021. It will air in Japan at 2:00am. The time will vary in other places according to their time zone. Every new episode will be aired on each Friday.


Cells At Work Season 2 is divided into two parts. “Dengue fever” and “Acne” might be the titles of the two parts. According to the title you can the idea about the feature of the episodes.

Cells At Work Season 2 Episode 3: Release date, Spoilers and Watch online

In the last episode we saw that the cells came to know about the viral infection. On the other hand the the Memory cell and Immune Cell were about to get attacked by the zombie virus cell. But U-1146 managed to save the two cells. Meanwhile Memory cell keeps on trying to kill the zombie cell.

Later all the zombie cells were killed by an antigen prepared by the Immune Cell and Memory. Macrophage cell also helped them in the battle.

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Cells At Work Season 2 Episode 3: Release date, Spoilers and Watch online

Now, talking about the upcoming episode i.e., the 3rd episode, the main focus will be on Memory cell. Memory cell will come to know about an extraordinary powers that he has and he was unknown about it. With this power, he will be able to see the future and the war which is going to take place.

Meanwhile, in the parotid glan, a viral infection will be observed. However, Immune Cell will try to have a conversation with the Memory cell but the latter will be in his own dreams. After hearing about the viral infection detection, Immune Cell will take its position and try to identify the new virus. In order to do so he will ask Memory cell for help but the memory cell will not be present there at that moment.

Watch online

The interesting magna series- Cells At Work Season 2 Episode 3 will be available on Funimation, AnimeLab and Wakanim. Only premium users will be able to enjoy the series on the very same day of its release. Free users have two wait for a couple of days.

Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for more updates!

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