WandaVision, the first web-television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe premiered the first season on Disney Plus on Friday. The series is unique on its own way and has already impressed fans and critics. Disney Plus dropped only the first two episodes on Friday, whereas the remaining will stream every Friday until March. Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany reprise their titular role from the MCU.
The next episode of the Disney Plus original series will drop next week on Friday, January 22. Disney Plus hasn’t revealed the official synopsis for the upcoming episode. Also, there isn’t any official synopsis for the previous two episodes as well. Matt Shakman would potentially direct the third episode of the series. Disney + will drop the third episode at 3 am EST.
WandaVision Episode 3 Preview
The series pays tribute to the past sitcoms from the 20th century. Wanda Maximoff lives with her android husband, Vision in a reality navigating different decades of television tropes. In the season premiere, Wanda and resurrected Vision, have moved to 1950s Westview. The duo is confused about the heart symbol drawn on the calendar meant and they panic.
Vision later realises that he has to host his boss for a dinner party at his house. Meanwhile, Wanda assumes that it was their anniversary. At the end of the episode, credit roles which reveal that the events have been playing on a monitor, while someone watches them. The monitor has the logo of Sentient Weapon Observation Response Division or simply S.W.O.R.D.
The second episodes take us to 1960s where Wanda and Vision performs a magic show for the children. Vision eats a gum and acts weirdly and reveals his powers, however, Wanda covers with her telekinetic abilities. After a beekeeper shows up from the sewer, Wanda resets the reality and takes us to 1970s. After the reality changes to 1970s, everything gets colourful.
Mephisto Live-Action Debut
Fans are convinced that Mephisto is going to making his live-action debut at some point in WandaVision. WandaVision introduces Dottie, neighbourhood planning committee’s head, and everything is creepy about her. Fans think the devil is inside the woman and is controlling Wanda all this long. The 1982 limited series comics featuring Wanda and Vision focused on family drama, much similar to the series. Mephisto appeared in the same series as well, which makes us wonder if Mephisto is hiding in plain sight in WandaVision.