
Miley Cyrus planned to collab with Lil Nas X but delayed due to COVID 19

Miley Ray Cyrus was an American singer, actress as well as producer. She is the best selling artist of America.

Miley Cyrus and Lil Nas an American singer and rapper

She attains most United States Billboard 200 top 5 albums in the 21st century as a female artist. She is also an American philanthropist whose net worth is 160 million $. She married Liam Hemsworth who is an Australian actor in 2018.

Her personal life always received many controversies in media coverage. She had received world music awards, people choice award. Lil Nas X is an American rapper.

Miley Cyrus and Lil Nas an American singer and rapper

Their collaboration slowdown due to pandemic

Lil said, “I had plan to work in one song with Miley earlier last year and then pandemic happened”. Once he said that he wants a plan to collab with Miley. The public was also very excited. But due to pandemic COVID 19 their plan was failed.

Miley’s father had already done his collaboration with Lil in 2019 Old Town Road Remix. That song had braked all the records and stay for the most consecutive weeks on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart.

Miley Cyrus and Lil Nas an American singer and rapper

It is a wish of Lil to collab with her. In her interview he also said that when the pandemic over they will definitely work with her. Yet he did not reveal the title of their song which he wants to collab with her.

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