
Johnny Depp Accuses Amber Heard of Lying About Donating $7 Million to Charity

The feud between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp gets uglier each time. We all know the story by now and we also know how bad it’s gotten.

Amber and Johnny are accusing each other of domestic violence. The two have always popped up on every article and news channel following the court hearings. From audio leaks, libel trial and pictures scrambled all over the internet, their case is taking a long time to be put to an end.

This time, however, Johnny accuses Amber of lying about giving off her $7 million divorce settlement money to charity. Apparently, Amber made a public statement claiming that she vows to donate her massive sum to charity.

Johnny Depp Accuses Amber Heard of Lying About Donating $7 Million to Charity

Amber vowed to donate to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and American Civil Liberties Union, stating she did not want the money at all. In opposition to these claims, Johnny and his legal team go to these organizations to follow up on how much she really gave them. Here is what they found.

The proof

According to the documents of the hospital, they’ve only got $100,000 of the $3.5 million Amber promised to give. Additionally, the documents on MailOnline show that heads at the hospital sent Amber a message to check if ‘the pledge will not be fulfilled’.

Johnny Depp Accuses Amber Heard of Lying About Donating $7 Million to Charity

With these documents in hand, Johnny and team are convinced that Amber did in fact lie about her donations. They made these bold statements in interviews and in the testimony she recently gave.

Furthermore, Amber’s team responds to Johnny’s and says that this is simply an attempt to defame her reputation. Johnny is accused of faking or ‘planting’ this story to deviate attention from court findings relating to the abuse.

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The fight between the two seems to be neverending. Prior to this recent claims from Johnny, he has filed a lawsuit against Amber for false claims on the abuse.

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