
Who was Alan Turing? Who did Benedict Cumberbatch Play in The Imitation Game?


On the 23rd of June, 1912. a man who was born in London was named Alan Turing. Which grew on to be one of the greatest minds ever born in the history of the world.

His contribution to maths, Philosophy, and computer science is unparalleled. He was also one of the first people who contributed to the possibility of artificial intelligence that you enjoy today.

Who was Alan Turing? Who did Benedict Cumberbatch Play in The Imitation Game?


But his life changed when he cracked a machine called Enigma, which was used by Nazis to send massages and orders at every part of the conquered land. Turing cracked with great difficulty and the result of that was the invention of Computers. It was a different computer back then. They were big and hard to use.

Who was Alan Turing? Who did Benedict Cumberbatch Play in The Imitation Game?


But after all this, His last years were not great as Homosexuality was a crime in Britain at that time and he was charged with this crime. He had to go through a therapy of chemical hormones in his body. And also he can’t work for the government now.

He took his own life in 1954 by taking cyanide. His death is quite possibly the result of the so-called hormone treatment by the government.

Who was Alan Turing? Who did Benedict Cumberbatch Play in The Imitation Game?


Benedict Cumberbatch played the role of This very person, Alan Turing, in the movie The Imitation Game.

Who was Alan Turing? Who did Benedict Cumberbatch Play in The Imitation Game?

The film was released in 2015 which was directed by Morten Tyldum and also got nominated in many awards including The OSCARS also known as the Academy Awards. The film got a fantastic response from the critics. And was also well received by the audience earning approx $100 million.

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