
His Dark Materials Season 2 Ending Explained: Possible Season 3 Release Date in 2021

His Dark Materials season 2 ending set a stage for the next sequence in the series. We could see the conclusion of His Dark Materials season 2 having many loopholes that can be identified in the third season. 

His Dark Material season 2 ending explained:

  • The most astounding moment is that Lyra’s true personality was revealed in the last episode. Mrs. Coulter proclaimed that Lyra’s true identity as Eve “Mother of All”. So Mrs Coulter planned to shift her to a more secured place where no one could find her. 
  • Mrs Coulter tracked Lyre, where she meets her mother in sleep. But suddenly gaining consciousness, she sees herself on a train and Mrs Coulter saying to her “I will get you in a safer world”. 
  • To a sad note, the John Parry role ended [Father of Will Parry] who was lost in an alternate world for 21 years and trying to escape. Parry’s fatherhood saddens us when he always thinks about his son Will and his wife while struck in an alternate world.
    To protect his son Will from the Soldier’s bullets, Parry faced and took the bullet straight into his heart. 

His Dark Materials Season 2 Ending Explained: Possible Season 3 Release Date in 2021

  • Another death we encountered in the final episode was Lee Scoresby. Audiences were reprimanded on the idea of ending Lee and his Daemon Hester character in the series. They both sacrifice themselves to let Parry see his son Will after so many years of struggles. Soldiers of the magisterium shot Lee’s leg but still, Lee withstood there to let Parry get the Subtle knife. But fails to hold his breath and dies before Serafina reaches him.
  • Lyre’s father- Asriel needed the Subtle knife to fight against the final battle. To the surprising note, the angels joined hands with him to get the Knife. 
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Will there be a third season on His Dark Materials?

After seeing the ending of the His Dark Materials season 2, without any doubts, I say that the drama has a stage for the third season. The production crew put a hold on filming the third season because of the pandemic but will resume once the situation favours them. But we could expect His Dark Materials season 3 release will happen anytime in 2022. 


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