
Larry King Net Worth 2021: Earnings, Life and Career

Larry King is an American TV host radio host and a paid spokesman. He started his career as a local Florida journalist and as a radio interviewer in the year 1950s and 1960s. Lets have look on Larry King Net Worth 2021.

Larry King Net Worth 2021 

Larry King Net Worth in 2021 is around $60 million.

His works have been recognized by many awards including two Peabody awards, a Golden mike award, and 10 cable ACE awards. He is very well known for hosting his CNN show “Larry King Live” on CNN.

Larry King net worth 2021: Life and work

Personal life

He lives in Beverly Hills in California. He has been married 8 times and with 7 women he had his first marriage at the age of 19 with Freda Miller who was his high school girlfriend.  In 1997 he married his seventh wife Shawn Southwick.

His marriage with Shawn is now 23 years old and they are still legally married but presently both are in the process of divorce. It is said that they are on good terms and are very supportive of each other. Larry and Shawn have two sons together the younger one is Cannon aged 20 and the elder one Chance who is 21 years old.

Larry King net worth 2021: Life and work

With Annette Kaye, he has an older son of age 58. His name is is Larry Jr. In 2020 Larry King has lost two of his adult children, including Andy 65 years old, and my daughter chaia who was 52 years old. Andy was an adopted child of Larry.

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After losing both of the children he got a heart attack due to the sorrow he faced on the loss. According to Larry’s family, he went into a state of sadness and depression after the sudden loss of the two. Even he wrote in an article that the recent laws of two children is a complete loss for him as a father.

Larry King net worth 2021: Life and work

On January 2, 2021, it was announced that the radio spokesperson is in the hospital. He has been admitted as he tested Corona positive. His current condition is not known to anyone. Also, the sea and an interviewer have about health risk issues in the past. As he had gone through many heartbreaks, heart attacks, prostate and lung cancer, and type 2 diabetes. He has also suffered from a major stroke in  2020.

Larry’s Legacy

Lawrence Harvey Zeiger landed his first job in WMBM and worked as a disc jockey. He got the name Larry King when his manager showed his discomfort in remembering such a name, so Larry took up King as his surname.

King started honing his interview skills right from the beginning and Bobby Darin was the first celebrity interview guest he hosted. Kings approach was non-confrontational but direct which made his show more interesting.

His show was the longest-running show on CNN. He became one of the few people in the history of the broadcast to create his own phenomenon. Two of his most remembered interviews was his political interview with Ross Petro and the debate between Al Gore and Perot.

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