
Viking Season 6 Part 2 Returning to Prime Video This January: Here’s a Brief Synopsis to Get you Up To Speed

Vikings is a popular historical drama, created and written by the very talented Mr. Michael Hirst. Initially, the show started with the exploits of the legendary chieftain of Vikings, that is Ragnar Lothbrok. As the show progressed, the story transitioned from Ragnar and his crew to his sons.

The first season of this popular show premiered on March 3, 2013, consisting of a total of nine episodes. As the season 6 part 2 of the Vikings is coming on prime this January, here is a quick synopsis for all the fans and beginners.

Viking Season 6 Part 2 Returning to Prime Video This January: Here's a Brief Synopsis to Get you Up To Speed

The Vikings commenced at the start of the Viking Age, which was evidently marked by the raid of Lindisfarne in 1793. It follows Ragnar’s quest to become Earl and his strong desire to raid England.

Vikings Beginning

In this season, the show transfers us to the brutal and mysterious world of a Viking warrior as well as a farmer named Ragnar Lothbrok. The story follows the adventures of Ragnar and his crew and how he became the king of Northmen.

The season starts off with fighting and ends on the same note. Throughout the season, he is clouded with his ambition which ultimately leads him and his family to glory in the lands of France as well as Britain.

Vikings in the Middle

The next season of Vikings follows Ragnar’s struggles with his rival Vikings. It showcases the fights that lead to his rise from an Earl to the King. Ragnar and his crew continue to raid further in England, and in season 2, they are offered a place for settling down for the first time.

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The next season follows the development in the family of Ragnar. The notorious raids are still going on but the family is getting more intertwined in British mingling affairs.

The season 4 of the Vikings was split into two parts, which consisted of the battle between Ragnar and Rollo. The second part had the Bjorn’s raid into the Mediterranean, as well as the Viking invasion of England.

Vikings after Ragnar

Viking Season 6 Part 2 Returning to Prime Video This January: Here's a Brief Synopsis to Get you Up To Speed

The concept and the plot from the fifth season of the Vikings differ greatly from the four seasons. Here, there is the departure of Travis Flimmel as Lothbrok and the story follows the adventure of his sons. Season six is also divided into two parts.

This season will focus on the reign of King Bjorn’s over the Kattegat as well as the adventures of Ivar in Rus’. The season will also showcase the expedition of Ubbe to Iceland. These are some things the fans can expect from the new reveal of the Vikings.


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