
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 68 Release Date, Time and Updates.

Dragon Ball Super is the sequel to the original Manga series and is written by Akira Toriyama. The anime was initially released on July 5, 2015. The series revolves around the experiences of Goku which later involves many interesting characters as well. It has around 131 episodes. The latest episode to be released is Dragon Ball Super chapter 68

Will chapter 68 be exciting?

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 68 Release Date, Time and Updates.

Chapter 68 is going to be the latest episode which will continue from where the previous chapter has ended. Previously we saw how Goku saved the earthlings fighting against Moro. This in this upcoming episode the title of Earth’s greatest hero will go to Goku and as a reward he will be able to collect around seven dragon balls.

These dragon balls will help him to defeat Boo. Chapter 68 will become more happening when Goku and his friends will find out the danger revolving around the planet once again.Scroll down to see the updates of release date and time through which you’ll be able to watch chapter 68 and know-how will they rescue their planet.

Release date and time

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 68 Release Date, Time and Updates.

Dragon Ball Super chapter 68 is coming to give you suprise this New year. It is going to release on 20th January 2021. Dragon Ball informers on Twitter more or less reveal the approx dates of release of the episodes.

If you look back toh the previous episodes’ release dates, you can trust them this time as well. We cannot guarantee you on this . If we notice any changes in the dates we’ll surely update you at the very same moment.

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Talking about the release timing, it is said to be released by 4pm in Central European time. Accordingly, the availability of English version should be at 2pm  in Pacific time, 10 pm in British time and around 5pm in Eastern time and all on 20th January, 2021.

Again, if we find any changes we will update as soos as possible.

Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for more updates.


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