
One Punch Man Chapter 137 Release date and latest update

When will hope to see Murata release chapter 137 of One punch man? Would it be out when the new year begins? Or can we hope for it before the year-end? Yusuke Murata usually never lets us down with his official release dates on social media platforms. He always lets fans know when the new chapter is out. This time around, however, we haven’t received any new tweets from his side.

It was already a stressful wait for chapter 136 to be out and that too, in Saitama’s absence. The caped baldy was not present in this chapter but everyone else still continued to fight.

Release Date:

chapter 136 of One Punch Man

Yusuke Murata is well-known for drawing, redrawing, and further polishing his work of art. Therefore, the release of this chapter is highly likely to be out in the first week of January 2021. Some sources specifically suggest that it will be out on January 3rd, 2021. If we’re lucky, it will be out sometime before the new year’s countdown!

Also, before the chapter officially releases, Murata usually leaks out 1-2 manga raw scans so watch out for any spoilers!

Chapter 137: Updates

Saitama is not present in action so far while every other monster and hero continue their battles in glory. In chapter 135, we saw Blast but then he vanishes eventually.

It makes sense why Saitama can’t be seen in every chapter because well, he defeats his enemy in one punch. This paves a path for the other characters’ development and a vast storyline. We definitely see a bigger development in the characters of Amai Mask and Alloy. So we can expect to see more of them in the later issues of the manga.

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You can find the English version of the manga for FREE on VIZ media, Shonen Jump and Mangaplus. Some websites even have colored prints but recommend the OG style- in black and white.

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