
Animal Crossing Toy Day 2020 Guide :What To Do During the Christmas Eve Toy Day Event in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Gifts and Rewards

Nintendo has introduced a new feature or an event in the popular video game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons on this Christmas. The players can enjoy Toy Day on the game on December 24, 2020. Toy Day or popularly called Animal Crossing Toy Day with Jingle, is an event, in which player aids the black-nosed reindeer in delivering the gifts and receiving rewards. The players will be giving out the gifts, initially given by Jingle, to every villager within their island.

The video game developers included this event in the latest Winter Update Version 1.6. A player compulsorily has to update the video game, in order to celebrate Toy Day. Moreover, those players who have unlocked Isabella with the upgraded version of Resident Services building can participate in the event. The event reportedly kicks off on Christmas Eve at 5 am local time and will run for next 24 hours until 5 am local time on Christmas Day.

A player will know the event has started on their island if the regular themed music changes to holiday-themed music. Meanwhile, Isabella will appear wearing the Santa hat during the morning announcements. If you won’t experience this then, you wouldn’t get a chance to fully enjoy the 24 hour-long event.

What to do during the Animal Crossing Toy Day event?

The player has to visit the Resident Services and meet the black-nosed reindeer named Jingle. Jingle will walk around the plaza and interact with the players. Most players opt to experience the event in Santa outfit, which is easily available at the Ables Sisters tailors. However, wearing the Santa outfit is not mandatory to participate in the event.

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After interacting with Jingle, he will teach the players how to make Festive Wrapping Paper. The Festive Wrapping Paper DIY recipe includes one each gold, blue, and red ornament. These items are easily available around the islands, as you just have to shake the decorated pine trees and you will get your recipe. In the next process, the players need to craft these pieces together and give it to Jingle.

Jingle will then provide you with the Magic Bag of presents. Now, the player needs to visit the villagers and give them the gifts. Every villager will have a special gift in the magic bag. After successfully giving the gifts, the player will receive rewards from Jingle. Unlike previous years, the developers have removed the guesswork while delivering the gifts to the villagers. The players used to get a hint from the villagers while interacting them and guessed a perfect gift to receive rewards from Jingle.



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