
Logan Paul thinks his brother is ‘F***ing Dumb’ for challenging Conor McGregor

This famous You Tuber turned boxer recently called his beloved brother Jake Paul ‘F***ing Dumb’ in the recent episode of his Impulsive podcast on his YouTube channel.

In the recent episode of his podcast on his YouTube channel the famous You Tuber said,” I love Jake obviously, but this one is F***ing Dumb. Sorry, sorry, this one is F***ing Dumb, dude”. All this happened when he discovered that his lovely brother challenged the UFC superstar Conor McGregor. The 25 years old You Tuber was so surprised when he watched his younger brother in a social media post through which Jake was challenging one of the biggest names in Ultimate Fighting Championship for a match. 

Logan Paul thinks his brother is ‘F***ing Dumb’ for challenging Conor McGregor

Jake’s message to Conor

This whole thing started when the 23 years old challenged the Elite MMA fighter through an Instagram post. In that post this famous You Tuber said, “Good morning, Conor McGregor. I know you are probably beating up old dudes in a bar right now or maybe you are jacking off because you are sick of f***ing your wife right now because she is a 4”. The young celebrity claimed that he had offered 50 million dollars for the fight with McGregor as he added,” Conor you could do a lot better. But happy Monday. My team sent you a 50 Million dollar offer this morning, 50 million dollars cash, proof of funds, the biggest fight of offer you’ve ever been offered, but you are scared to fight me Conor, you are ducking me out because you don’t want to lose to a f***ing You Tuber.”

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The trash-talking You Tuber didn’t stop here as he added,” You are a 0-1 as a boxer; I’m 2-0 as a boxer. I just came off the eighth biggest pay-per-view event in history, but you want to fight Dustin Prober (Poirier) who has less followers than on Instagram than my f***ing dog, that’s a fact.” He not slammed and embarrassed Conor but also Dana White. This famous internet personality got all this confidence after he beat the ex-NBA player Nate Robinson in November in a knock-out match. 

Logan Paul thinks his brother is ‘F***ing Dumb’ for challenging Conor McGregor

Older brother defended his statement

When his elder brother and fellow You Tuber discovered all this he was surprised and he called out his younger brother as ‘F***ing Dumb’. His fellow pod-casters Mike Majlak and George Janko laughed at him and made fun of him when he was against his younger brother’s decision as he is also set out to fight an unbeaten legendary and boxing’s cash cow, Floyd Mayweather. He was the one who was made fun of because he is set out to fight this unbeaten champion in the coming February. The boxer then defended his decision and said,” Conor McGregor is a southpaw, he’s bigger than Floyd Mayweather, he’s younger than Floyd Mayweather.”

Logan’s last message to his beloved brother

The actor then added, “He’s way active. I understand what you’re saying, so did everyone else, but he’s just a precision striker, knockout artist. Floyd is not. He’s just not. He’s older, everyday he gets older, every day I get better.” He then stopped and ended his statement by saying, “I understand the discrepancy between us.”

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Logan Paul gave the last message to his brother after calling him ‘F***ing Dumb’ as he said,” R.I.P Jake…congrats though!”


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