
Ubisoft Confirms Far Cry 6 is Delayed and It’s a Good Thing: Here’s Why? Check it Now to Know More!

Far Cry 6 has postponed its release next year that takes between April 2021 to March 2022 due to the current circumstance that making it impossible and risky to film. 

Far Cry 6 has been initially set out for a February 2021 release date but couldn’t make it as the situation didn’t give joint hopes. 

Why is there a delay in the release of the game?

On Twitter, Ubisoft brings in a report on the account of holding the delivery date of its latest next open-world FPS game. Far Cry 6 which is planning to drop by the next year 2021 but delayed due to company’s earnings.

What’s so good about postponing the release?

Even some reasons noting as the crew are utilising their work at home to enhance the game efficiently and effectively which strengthen quality gameplay to the gamers. 

Ubisoft considered the health and without taking any risks for its production crew. The crew letting the workers work at home by preventing the spread of Covid19.

Ubisoft Confirms Far Cry 6 is Delayed and It's a Good Thing: Here's Why? Check it Now to Know More!

What Ubisoft is planning for Far Cry 6?

Ubisoft reveals Far Cry 6 trailer which is a treat to the eyes and also says the plot of the gameplay- in this trailer, Far Cry 6 that happens in a modern-day guerrilla revolution in the exotic world and its main villain  [ Anton Castilo and his son Diego]. Diego planned to captivate Yara’s people by learning aid of a live grenade to defeat.

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So, here the player has to fight against Anton Castilo and his son who has been in power for 50 years by ruling people of Yara- this version is making new items such as firearms, expensive cars and amazing explosives. 

After seeing the trailer, I assure you that the video output itself drives you to play the game and can’t wait for it, but still waiting for another one year won’t harm any feelings. 


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