
‘Ios 15 Update Confirmed : New Features And Better Optimizations For Apple iPhones’

The new iOS 15 update is here and ready. Apple has a huge fan base and we can all agree to that. The users are always excited for the new updates be it in terms of the device or the operating system. so here we have the new iOS 15 updates for the users excitingly waiting for it.
The best part about the Apple company is that they give full freedom to its designers and manufacturers. Their level of comfort and concentration environment are given utmost importance. Sometimes they are also shifted to new locations to increase their concentration levels.

So what new features can we expect in the new iOS 15 updates?

'Ios 15 Update Confirmed : New Features And Better Optimizations For Apple Iphones'


  1.  The space at the end of the home screen which is known as the app library is what organizes the apps in a simple easy to view manner. This time, the library will be to the left side of the dock. This time around, the users will be provided a separate page dedicated to the app library at the click of an icon.
  2. The new widgets in this version will be used in every way possible and richer in data. Widgets for purposes including maps, clocks, music, tips, files, etc. These widgets can be placed anywhere on the home screen.
  3. The Apple map would be better this time. Sometimes the driver tends to miss out on instructions even though the app invoice may have repeated them more than twice. However, this time, the map would be made more call to action in such cases and situations.
  4. For the Apple facetime, earlier, it was not accustomed to motion-sensitive people. When the speaker speaks, the moving tiles were a hindrance. However, now when the speaker speaks, the moving tiles will appear in an asymmetrical fashion.
  5. The Apple iMessage did not have the option to delete or unsend the message after users suffered the embarrassment of sending them by mistake. However, this time they have inserted the option to delete a msg sent by mistake. Although, the recipient will get a notification of the deleted message.
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It is said that the new update will be launched somewhere before fall in 2021 next year. However, considering the history of iOS launches previously, we can say for sure that this time around, this new update will also be launched right on time.

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